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Struggling to build muscle?

What is the most effective way to build muscle?

Wether your going to the gym, doing calisthenics, or even home workouts, there is a certain training type that is proven to be the most effective for training muscle.

Today we'll be talking about:

- Why most people fail to build muscle

- How to actually build muscle effectively

- Free workouts that you can follow

We all know that one person who has been working out for some time but still looks like he doesn't even workout. You don't want to be that guy. But don't worry, after reading this, you will be working out like a pro.

Why most people can't build muscle:

The reason why many people struggle to pack on muscle is mainly because they're working out incorrectly, they're diet is a mess, or they're not resting enough. Majority of these people are those who do exercises wrongly or do the wrong set of exercises.

How to actually build muscle:

You might see a bunch of influencers online hype up a super intense workout (eg. 100 pushups a day, 100 squats, 100kg bench press). But the thing is, there are different training methods that vary depending on your goals. I'm not gonna talk about them today, but you can check them out here.

The most effective way of building muscle is to focus on exercises that allow a deep stretch tension and follow the 6-12 rep range. That doesn't mean stopping at 6-12, but rather to make the exercise difficult enough that you can only do 6-12 reps with solid form. I want to highlight that phrase "solid form", as form is absolutely important in an exercise. No matter how many reps you do or how difficult the exercise is, if you're form is bad, then you're leaving a lot of gainz on the table.

The next thing is consistency. Even if you do the best workout in the world, if you only do it for one day, then you won't build that much muscle, if you'll build any at all. The major factor in almost all aspects of life is consistency. Think about it, every time you workout, you're one step closer to your goal. But consistency is a double edged sword. Live an unhealthy lifestyle consistently and you'll be closer to diseases and a bad body structure. You choose your poison, but time will move on regardless. Either you take action now or you degrade.

The next key factor would be diet. There's three main types of diets - Bulking, cutting, and maintaining.

Bulking is when you eat lots of food to gain more mass (Most optimal for gaining strength and size). Cutting is when you decrease your food intake but still consume lots of protein. Maintaining on the other hand, is eating just enough calories to maintain your current physique. Don't just randomly eat. Follow a diet and stick to it.

The final factor, which is rest, is something that most people overlook. Working out is training your muscles, while sleeping is growing them. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep everyday.

Now I can't just state all of that and leave you hanging, so here's a free push day workout plan you can follow:


- Incline dumbbell press (3 x 8-10)

- Chest fly (2 x 8-10)

- Lower pec fly (2 x8-10)


- Shoulder press (3 x 8-10)

- Cable Lateral raises (2 x 8-10)


- Overhead tricep extension (2 x 8-10)

- Tricep pulldown (2 x 8-10)

- Skull Crushers (2 x 8-10)